National Low Carbon Centre (NLCC) Stoneleigh, Warwickshire

The NLCC programme will focus on designing and delivering low carbon projects that will address key economic, environmental and resource needs of the public, private and community sectors. Projects will respond to resource issues of national and regional importance, will attract funding and can demonstrate strong commercial engagement potential and commitment. These activities will enhance the profile of the NLCC as a centre of excellence for low carbon technologies.

Following discussions with NLCC partners and key stakeholders operating within the commercial energy, utility and transport sectors, several areas of activity have been selected that will provide a strong focus for the NLCC and maximise the location, assets and facilities of the Stoneleigh Park site.

Projects currently under development are as follows:


Partners include LaSalle Investment Management (site managers), Coventry, Aston, Warwick and Birmingham City University, Greenwatt Technology and a growing number of corporate and SME partners.

Centrally-located near Coventry, the NLCC will provide the ideal Midlands venue for economic growth in terms of new businesses and jobs, for the development and deployment of emerging low carbon technologies and for the provision of specialist demonstration and knowledge transfer activity.

For further information, to visit the NLCC or to discuss collaboration with our project areas please contact the NLCC Project Coordinator:

Mike Woollacott T: 07901 916694  E:

About Us

Our company and consultant team has considerable experience and credibility in the field of sustainability, low carbon initiatives and renewable energy as well as a strong track record in feasibility studies, strategic resource planning, enterprise regeneration, project management and dissemination.



Greenwatt Technology
Alcester, Warwickshire
T: 07901 916694

Twitter: @GreenwattUK