Business Park goes with Solar PV
Blackwell Business Park in South Warwickshire is a group of converted steel frame farm buildings providing quality rural business accommodation for more than 30 small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). The business park owner Mick Hutchings wanted to utilize the south facing roofs to install solar PVs with the opportunity of providing preferential electricity rates for his business tenants.
The maximum size of PV array to be fitted onto a single building roof was 17kW peak capacity. Solar PV system was installed by one of our partners Eco2Solar Ltd and commissioned in November 2014. The system is estimated to have an annual generation of around 14,000kWh. The solar PV generation is fed into the landlord’s main supply meter – enabling tenants on sub-meters to receive electricity from landlord at preferential tariffs (compared to main grid price) and saves significant landlord costs in the ‘common’ areas.