Electric vans now have grant funding for Warwickshire businesses

Warwickshire Rural Electric Vehicle project (WREV) is providing £2000 grant funding as an incentive for companies to trial an electric van (EV) for 2 years. Electric vehicles are proving an ideal solution for those rural businesses with low daily mileage journey routines and an excellent opportunity to save transport fuel costs whilst driving with no exhaust emissions. Already 10 businesses are benefiting from the project which has now been extended to electric vans.

The WREV project provides a free feasibility study to identify the practical and financial viability of an electric vehicle in the business and installs a free charge point on the business premise.

Further project details

Please contact Mike Woollacott, Greenwatt Technology – t: 01789 761367    e: mike@greenwatt.co.uk

The project is part of the Warwickshire Rural Growth Network funded by Defra and led by Warwickshire County Council, on behalf of the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) – with project management being supplied by Greenwatt Technology.

The benefits of an e-Van

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Greenwatt Technology
Alcester, Warwickshire
T: 07901 916694

E: info@greenwatt.co.uk
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